“"Rawhead Rex" is the rare film with absolutely no redeeming factors. Based on the short story of the same name by legendary horror fantasist Clive Barker, it manages to be loyal to the superficial aspects of the material while completely missing the entire point of the story. There is no themes or s” read more
“"City of the Living Dead" is far from a perfect film but, even expecting that, it falls quite a bit short of good and ambles somewhat aimlessly in the fair category for me. Most of that good will falls on the soft spot I have for Italian horror and Fulci's better offerings to the genre. Don't behead” read more
“"28 Days Later" was a game-changer when it came out. It almost single-handedly ripped the horror genre from the sludge the 90's had dragged it into with its gritty urban realism and its haunting imagery. Over a decade later, in a world full of inventive, serious horror (and riddled with genre zombie” read more
“"Venom" is something of an unfortunate film that just so happens to not be incredibly dull and feature a big, gooey monster that the public loves because of this it seems to have gotten a pass from many people but certainly not from me. Though I don't revile it, the film certainly left me feeling li” read more
“"Aquaman" was a hard sell from the beginning. Here we have a character that's been the butt of jokes for decades, is relatively unknown by the masses, and was only recently featured in movies that were controversial for their own reasons. Add to that the fact that this was widely understood to be s” read more