Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A group of archaeologists uncover an antediluvian civilization which beholds them as messengers from the gods. Soon, however, they butt heads over their disturbing customs.
Though well-intentioned with its social messaging, the blunt delivery renders the film clumsy and patronizing. Worse, you must first slog through a condescending intro, a mind-numbing and tensionless array of time-filler sequences, and gobs of poor dialogue to get to the meat of the story which, in all honesty, feels more like flavorless gruel. "The Mole People" feels like fodder for children, assuming they could brave the boredom.
2 years, 7 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: John is having quite the time dealing with his daughter's coming of age, especially in light of a recent divorce and move, but something far more sinister than growing changes is brewing beneath the surface.
This one is a well-acted and directed piece that fosters a decent amount of atmosphere and mystery while showing a lot of restraint with some of its horror roots. Some might argue it shows a bit too much restraint at times, as some of the mechanics of what is happening are a bit too vague. Ironically, this is countered by other revelations being left to clumsy exposition. Nevertheless, its foundations in the cultural prevalence of mounds and a neat riff on the changeling stories are intriguing. It will never be a cult classic and it certainly wasn't a hit at the box office but its also not a waste of time if you happen across it. That being said, maybe it's not something to actively seek out.
2 years, 7 months ago