Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: Charles Dexter Ward inherits an ancestral home and is soon drawn into a madness that involves revenant warlocks, vengeance, and unfathomable gods from beyond.
The first adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's The Case of Charles Dexter Ward (unfairly billed as a Poe tale) deviates from the material quite a bit. It even goes as far as introducing elements from other Lovecraft tales into its narrative. Still, it comes off as a far better product than "The Resurrected". Vincent Price brings his unequaled presence to the lead and the story admirably leans into weirder elements than films of its time were accustomed to. Though meanders a bit (and is prone to director Roger Corman's tendency to milk locations), it proves to be a delightfully atmospheric endeavor for fans of old school horror, Lovecraft, and Price.
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to My Favorite Lovecraftian/Cosmic Horror Movies list
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac posted a review of Colossal
“Plot: A helpless drunk returns home to make sense of her destructive life but, as it turns out, an entire nation a world away may be the one who will face her demons.
Admittedly, "Colossal",ย a movie with its feet firmly planted in several genres, is something of a difficult concept to m” read more
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: Years after his presumed death, a mad scientist continues his plot to use an experimental drug as a means to exert ultimate control.
Iditioc. That is the most suitable word to describe everything that happens in this low-tier, nonsensical creative excreta composed of poor acting, poorer writing, and dismal direction. Fans of "so bad, it's good" fare might mine a chuckle or two out of it but, even then, it proves unworthy of the effort.
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: Two women, one struggling to overcome grief and the other guilt, join their friends on a spelunking adventure that not only makes them face horrors below the surface but also themselves.
From its gut-wrenching setup, to the unspoken interpersonal tension, to the anxiety inducing claustrophobic environments, and to the visceral terror deep below, the film never once lets up its vicious bite as it barrels toward its bleak ending. Effective in its simplicity, bearing a fantastic cast with genuine onscreen chemistry, showing great restraint with the mysterious antagonists, fostering up a diverse array of scares, and sleekly punctuated with a unforgiving metaphor about life, "The Descent" proves itself a shining example of genre fiction. Just make sure and see the unrated version as it is the original cut of the film.
2 years, 9 months ago