Movie Maniac posted a review of Burial Ground: The Nights of Terror
“When Burial Ground hit the screens Italy was in the midst of a horror boom that rampantly predicated itself on knocking off existing popular film trends only with an increased focus on the violence, the effects, and sexuality to win over dubious crowds. Some of those movies have gone on to garner a ” read more
2 years, 2 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A group of friends descend upon a villa where an anthropologist has just inadvertently triggered an uprising of revenant Etruscans fueled by magick.
Italy was known for knocking off movies for quick cash-ins that reveled more in gore, sex, and general weirdness around the time this movie released, so it is only suitable that this picture takes much influence from fellow Italian Lucio Fulci's zombie cycle (itself an array of knock-offs). That being said, it's nowhere near as good as any of those. In fact, it's, for lack of better shit. However, its virtually non-existent plot and gonzo gusto for exploitative violence and really weird sexual undertones make it somewhat of a bonkers fun time to watch if you're into "so bad, it's good" type of stuff. Interesting makeup, highly inconsistent but oddly amusing music, hilariously awful dubbing, dumb as all hell characters, and the unflinching gaze toward grue all add to the fun. In reality this deserves a lower rating but I can't deny the idiotic fun it provides.
2 years, 2 months ago
Movie Maniac added Mad God Blu-Ray + DVD Steelbook to owned list
2 years, 2 months ago