Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A helpless drunkard with an innate talent for banishing demons is stuck in a destructive cycle that might be his ultimate undoing.
Though it is derailed by bad acting, repetitiveness, and largely ineffective attempts at dark humor, there are still hints of something that could of been greater than it ended up being. Some moments will legitimately make you wish they would of hit a home run with the material. It's very rough around the edges production-wise but sometimes that proves to give it something of a gritty atmosphere. All in all, this one proves more wasted potential than not. Still, there is no shame in attempting something unique in this particular sub-genre.
2 years, 4 months ago
Movie Maniac added 2 items to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
2 years, 4 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A CPS worker's children are targeted by a Mexican revenant set loose on her by a heartbroken mother who lost her own children to it.
A listless, plodding affair that fails to inject any form of tension or atmosphere into a stale and generic script. Worse, it pulls little from the rich culture of the source material that could have at least given it some life and color. To top it all off, it feels like an afterthought that was shoehorned into an existing franchise to sell more tickets. That's right, they slapped The Conjuring name on this and put in minimum effort to make it part of that world. Neither good there or on it's own, this one is a soulless, bland, and utterly failed exercise.
2 years, 4 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Part II (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A photographer pursues a dangerous path in a bid to legitimize his art only to uncover a brutal conspiracy.
A blood-soaked nightmare that starts like a morbid mystery begging to be unraveled and ends up in bleak, psuedo-Lovecraftian territory. Based on the Clive Barker story of the same name, the film honors the story while expounding upon it in very effective ways. Themes of obsession, fate, and pushing beyond the established boundaries of our world to find the unimaginable will delight fans of Barker as much as the gritty, visceral nature. My only (minor) complaint would be that a handful of grisly effects are enhanced with CGI that was dated then, much more now. Nevertheless, this one is a woefully overlooked candidate for a slavish cult following.
2 years, 4 months ago