Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Pt. 1 (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: A post-apocalyptic zombie short written by and starring Anthony Conti, a young man whose final wish was to make a film.
If we're being brutally honest this one's only for completists of any of the Hollywood talent involved. Quality isn't the name of the game here but rather granting a person their dream. Pretty interesting to see how many big names in front and behind the camera went out of their way to do this for the young man even if the project is, all tact aside, pretty horrid. Conti died not long after the quick production was finished.
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 1 item to Terror Blurbs! Pt. 1 (An Ever-Expanding List) list
Plot: The fourth installment into the found footage horror anthology is easily the weakest of the bunch.
A poorly acted and scripted wraparound bookends entries that range from decent to fun to out of place to downright hammy. All's fair play in anthologies, of course, but the real issue here is that the talent involved doesn't provide particularly substantial or high quality input. Still, "The Empty Wake" shines with it's fantastic effects and simple format, creature vignette "Storm Drain" ends strongly (if a bit to familiarly), and much fun is to be had with "The Subject" though it's CGI blood and overall tone feels wildly out of place with the aesthetic of he series. "Terror" proves to be the weakest installment if only because it feels like its satirical aspects and tongue-in-cheek (and all too transparent) narrative dissonate with the vibe of the series the most.
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 2 items to Terror Blurbs! Pt. 1 (An Ever-Expanding List) list
2 years, 9 months ago
Movie Maniac added 3 items to their collection
2 years, 9 months ago